North Quay Small Harbour & South Quay Large Harbour. Port of Piombino - Livorno | Italy

The Strategic Initiative for Enhancing North Quay Small Harbour & South Quay Large Harbour in Livorno, Italy

This huge project falls in the works envisaged in the 1st phase of the implementation of the Port Masterplan of the Port of Piombino in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy, within the perimeter of the Site of National Interest of Piombino, and covers the remediation of the sea sediments bordered by the new quays and the emergency protection measures of the groundwater. 


en English AMCRPS_CS-020_Piombino-Harbour_GB.pdf
Typical cross section
North Quay Small Harbour
Port of Piombino
Pause Play

The Port of Piombino is investing €31M in a project that includes:

  • creation of functional berths;
  • upgrading of sedimentation basins;
  • reconstruction of sewer systems;
  • remediation of sediments within the new quay walls;
  • emergency protection measures for groundwater;
  • creation of a temporary jetty, and demolition of the pier Ex-Ilva, with the material to be reused for ecological islands. 

To ensure the imperviousness of the deep retaining structure of the North and South Dock quay walls for 100 years, a steel wall system HZ®-M/AZ® in combination with a sealing system was chosen for its cost-effectiveness and low maintenance costs.

The sheet piles were shipped by rail to ArcelorMittal’s mill in Piombino, which is located directly next to the construction site. The RZD/RZU connectors were seal-welded and the sealing system Roxan®Plus was applied into the interlocks of the AZ infill sheet piles (water-swelling product in the free interlocks) in this premises. Furthermore, the splicing of the HZ-M king piles was also carried out there.

The works were performed by the joint venture Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti (CMC) of Ravenna and Sales SpA. 

The fruitful collaboration with ArcelorMittal allowed optimizing the productivity of the work and ensuring the quality of the product offered on following aspects: 

  • reduction of lead times optimized by the proximity of the ArcelorMittal Piombino premises to the construction site; 
  • no interference with the port traffic guaranteed through the supply of the sheet piles by rail directly from the plant of ArcelorMittal Piombino; 
  • technical assistance with the design of the anchor piles, and the driving template for the HZ-M king piles.