Kalundborg Ny Vesthavn. Port of Kalundborg | Denmark

The Development of a New Container Terminal with an Atypical Design at Kalundborg Port

Kalundborg is a city located around 100 km northwest of the capital Copenhagen, with around 16 000 inhabitants. For many years Kalundborg’s Port was a ferry port with some 16 different routes calling the port, but today only one route survived. The port had to adapt to different activities and turned into an industrial port. For instance, NKT Flexibles produces offshore tubes on one of the quays.

Based on the port’s vision and the demand from the users of the port, Kalundborg port commenced the development of the new container terminal. The development started with a so-called VVM Inspection / Environmental Impact Assessment in 2007, but the design itself began only in 2016, followed by the archaeological investigation. Tender took place in 2017, and the job started in October 2017 by the company Hercules Fundering.


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Coupe type Kalundborg Ny Vesthavn
Port of Kalundborg
Port of Kalundborg
Pause Play

The project consists of 330 000 m2 multi-terminal with a 500 m long quay with 15 m water depth. This is the deepest water level in an industrial port on Zealand. Mean tide variation is 0.4 m, but a NW storm can lead to a mean high water of up to 1.3 m.

The design is quite atypical: the AU 23 sheet pile, in steel grade S355GP, ranging from 19.1 to 24.1 m in length, is anchored at two levels. 

The upper anchor is battered, has a diameter of 63.5 mm, a yield strength of 670 MPa, and is fixed to anchor piles executed with isolated double piles AZ 17-700 and AZ 19-700 sheet piles, in S355GP, ranging from 8.0 to 9.0 m in length.

The second level of anchors is horizontal and lies 5.0 to 6.0 m below the water level, each anchor having a diameter of 43.0 mm and a yield strength of 670 MPa. These anchors are shorter, and are fixed to a concrete panel of dimensions 1.0*1.0*0.3 m.

The driving of the sheet piles was performed with an hydraulic impact hammer Junttan SHK 110 – 9t (max. energy of 119 kNm, max drop height of 1.2 m, blows per minute between 52 and 120), fixed on a Junttan PMx27 telescopic piling rig. The installation took place from a jack-up barge, and the speed of installation was quite impressive: 10 to 25 double piles daily. The port is expected to start operating in March 2019.