HP bearing piles

Execution details

Execution details of joining, connections with concrete elements, etc. This brochure is from a few years ago and some details or wording may be outdated.


en English AMCRPS_HP_Bearing_Piles_Execution_details.pdf
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The efficiency of the H-pile system is, in many cases, affected by the costs involved for connecting the pile to the superstructure.

In cases where the superstructure is made of steel, the technical solution can be found by applying the rules and standards for steel structures.

In cases where the building loads are transferred via a concrete slab to the piles, the conventional solution consists in welding a transfer plate to the pile head in an effort not to exceed the allowable compressive strength of the concrete.

It has been shown, however, that a direct connection between the H-pile head and the concrete slab is workable, provided the H-pile is of adequate section and the concrete member is of adequate size and properly reinforced.

Laboratory compression tests showed that there is no need to provide a bearing plate or other auxiliary bearing device at the top of the pile (Shaffer et al. 1947, 1975; Lambotte 1985).

This chapter aims to show the principle of a direct connection between an H-pile and a concrete slab. It also provides tables and diagrams enabling a rapid and easy predesign.

The design method is based on the Eurocode 2 (ENV 1992-1-1) and the French Standard BAEL 91. Other national standards may be applicable, provided the philosophy of the proposed solution is safeguarded.

In the following paragraphs, compression and tension loads are considered separately, they can however be combined without problems, if required.

In cases where a combination of horizontal and tension forces occurs the connection has to be designed in bending.