BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Join industry experts and academics at Polytech Lille for a day-long symposium dedicated to the latest trends in the manufacturing of steel and the design of eco-responsible structures. This event will delve into innovations in steel for large-scale bridges\, high-strength rolled beams for steel-concrete composite bridges\, and pile-supported abutments\, addressing the environmental challenges and sustainability in construction. \;This event will primarily be conducted in French. \;Opening remarks \;The symposium with a focus on eco-design of steel structures\, featuring advanced tools from the French Association of Civil Engineering (AFGC) and the French National Federation of Public Works (FNTP). \; \;Speakers and Sessions: \; \;Michel Royer-Muller (Market Manager\, ConstruirAcier) - Eco-design of steel structures. \;Patrick Le Pense (Manager\, ArcelorMittal Flat Products) - Developments in low-CO2 emission flat steels. \;GERICO Project Team - Monitoring metal structures with sensors\, part of the Connected Bridges project. \;Riccardo Zanon (Construction Engineer\, ArcelorMittal Long Products) - Technical innovations and carbon footprint in standard structures. \;Matthieu Mallié (Director of Bridge &\; Special Structures Activity\, Ney &\; Partners) - Creative approaches in bridge design. \;Sébastien Lenhard (Product Manager\, Dillinger) - Modern steels for structural art. \;Baila Deme and Nicolas Dumont (Infrastructure Engineer and Economic Development Director\, Canal-Seine-North-Europe) - Overview of the Canal-Seine-North-Europe and its structures. \;Marc Gratier (Technical Sales Manager\, ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products) - Steel sheet pile abutments as permanent solutions: The Armentières case. ¨Dominique Lampson and Julien Petrignet (Berthold and a representative from Bouygues-TP-RF) - Rehabilitation of two steel structures in Armentières. \; X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join industry experts and academics at Polytech Lille for a day-long symposium dedicated to the latest trends in the manufacturing of steel and the design of eco-responsible structures. This event will delve into innovations in steel for large-scale bridges, high-strength rolled beams for steel-concrete composite bridges, and pile-supported abutments, addressing the environmental challenges and sustainability in construction. 

This event will primarily be conducted in French.

Opening remarks


The symposium with a focus on eco-design of steel structures, featuring advanced tools from the French Association of Civil Engineering (AFGC) and the French National Federation of Public Works (FNTP). 


Speakers and Sessions: 



DTSTART:20241002T070000Z DTEND:20241002T150000Z SUMMARY:Innovations in steel for Eco-Responsible structures LOCATION:Polytech Lille Av. Paul Langevin\, 59655 Villeneuve-d’Ascq ALLDAY:0 URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTAMP:20241009T220103Z UID:6706e0ff3d15d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR