BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Join an insightful one-day seminar on modern steel sheet piling systems\, co-hosted with our partners ArcelorMittal Träger und Spundwand GmbH and Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. This seminar is designed for technicians and engineers from construction companies\, engineering firms\, and civil engineering offices\, as well as other interested professionals involved in the planning and/or execution of steel sheet piling structures.This event will primarily be conducted in German. \;Speakers and Topics \; \;Welcome address - Prof. Thomas WegenerSustainable sheet piling solutions by ArcelorMittal - Francois Fohl (ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS s.a.r.l.\, Luxembourg) and Oliver Gregor (ArcelorMittal Träger und Spundwand\, Technical Office\, Bochum) \;Construction of the mayor Karl Lehr bridge in Duisburg - Markus Wieland (MAX BÖGL Stiftung &\; Co. KG\, Neumarkt i.d.Opf )Sheet piling as temporary structures for railway construction projects on the Hanau-Gelnhausen expansion route PFA 5.17 - Marvin Krechel\, (Implenia Civil Engineering GmbH\, Raunheim) \;Various construction projects: Leverkusen Rhein-Ruhr express LSW EÜ Willy-Brandt-Ring / Rathenaustraße\, ABS / NBS Karlsruhe - Basel PfA 9.0 / Müllheim – Auggen station remodel\; Reconstruction of the Ahr valley railway 4th construction phase embankment remediation at km 22.6 - Jörg Mayer (Häring Spezialtiefbau GmbH &\; Co. KG\, Pfronten) \;Transport logistics for steel sheet piles - Gilles Braquet (Luxport S.A.\, Mertert)Optimization of traffic connection at the Duisburg-Gateway-Terminal: Use of sheet piles for the construction of a dam and a bridge - Thomas Groß (Hülskens Wasserbau GmbH\, Wesel)Applications of sheet piles over the last 25 years – Evolution or Stagnation - Harald Gollwitzer (BORAMA RENT GmbH\, Floß) \;New standards and special sheet pile projects - Ernst Weber (ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS s.a.r.l.\, Luxembourg) \;For further assistance or to reserve your place at the event\, please contact: \;Phone: +49 (0) 441 361039-0 \;Email: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join an insightful one-day seminar on modern steel sheet piling systems, co-hosted with our partners ArcelorMittal Träger und Spundwand GmbH and Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. This seminar is designed for technicians and engineers from construction companies, engineering firms, and civil engineering offices, as well as other interested professionals involved in the planning and/or execution of steel sheet piling structures.

This event will primarily be conducted in German.


Speakers and Topics 



For further assistance or to reserve your place at the event, please contact: 

DTSTART:20241105T080000Z DTEND:20241105T160000Z SUMMARY:IRO Sheet Piling Seminar 2024 LOCATION:Wasserturm Hotel Cologne\, Kaygasse 2\, D-50676 Köln ALLDAY:0 URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTAMP:20241016T100637Z UID:670f740d43cc8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR