BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:ArcelorMittal is proud to support the Port Development Middle East &\; Africa Forum 2024 as an associate sponsor. This leading forum sets the stage for industry leaders\, government officials\, and key stakeholders to converge and discuss transformative strategies shaping the maritime landscape in one of the fastest-growing regions in the world.The Middle East and Africa boast some of the busiest ports globally\, with maritime trade volume increasing steadily\, driven by significant investments in infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies. The forum will feature a diverse lineup of speakers and offer a wealth of knowledge-sharing opportunities\, focusing on sustainability\, digitalization\, and automation in port development.Connect with our Foundation Solutions team to learn more about ArcelorMittal's high-strength\, customisable\, and sustainable steel port solutions.Event Highlights:Strategic Discussions: Delve into sessions about navigating regulatory challenges\, fostering strategic partnerships\, and leveraging technology to enhance operational efficiency.Innovative Solutions: Learn about the latest trends and best practices that are driving the development of ports across the region.Networking Opportunities: Meet with experts and industry leaders to discuss potential collaborations and gain insights into the future of port development. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

ArcelorMittal is proud to support the Port Development Middle East & Africa Forum 2024 as an associate sponsor. This leading forum sets the stage for industry leaders, government officials, and key stakeholders to converge and discuss transformative strategies shaping the maritime landscape in one of the fastest-growing regions in the world.

The Middle East and Africa boast some of the busiest ports globally, with maritime trade volume increasing steadily, driven by significant investments in infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies. The forum will feature a diverse lineup of speakers and offer a wealth of knowledge-sharing opportunities, focusing on sustainability, digitalization, and automation in port development.

Connect with our Foundation Solutions team to learn more about ArcelorMittal's high-strength, customisable, and sustainable steel port solutions.

Event Highlights:

DTSTART:20241021T070000Z DTEND:20241022T160000Z SUMMARY:Port Development Middle East & Africa Forum 2024 LOCATION:Movenpick Grand Al Bustan\, Casablanca St\, Al Garhoud\, Dubai\, United Arab Emirates ALLDAY:0 URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTAMP:20241016T100707Z UID:670f742b11140 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR