The new issue 62 Title V

HP and sheet metal piles under axial loading

The sizing of HP piles following the old French method. The NF P-94-262 standard has replaced this method, but this brochure explains the basic concept in a few pages.


fr French AMCRPS_Fascicule_62.pdf
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In this document, a synthesis of the technical calculation rules applicable to the justification of deep foundations for civil engineering works in H-piles as well as continuous frameworks or metal sheet pile cofferdams is presented. The ultimate loads and creep loads of isolated metal foundation elements are evaluated based on the results of Menard pressuremeter tests or static penetration tests, in accordance with the prescriptions of Fascicle 62 - Title V of the C.C.T.G. "Design rules for the calculation of foundations of civil engineering works" (Number 93-3 T.O. of the B.O.M.E.L.T.). The calculation methods presented are based on numerous results of real-scale pile loading tests conducted by the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. The calculation rules are applied to justify deep foundations subjected primarily to axial compression, whose bearing capacity is mainly mobilized in clays or sands.