
Bituminous product for impervious steel sheet pile locks

Hot-applied bituminous sealing product for impervious steel sheet pile locks before the implementation (driving, vibratory driving, ...) of the sheet piles. This mixture of bitumen and polymers is applied hot into the locks of the steel sheet piles and is characterized by high adhesion to steel.

The sheet piles can be used immediately after the impervious joint has cooled (approximately 1 hour). Beltan® Plus is certified by the German institute "Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets" as a product that can be used in contact with groundwater.


fr French Beltan-Plus_FR_leaflet_web.pdf
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Application of Beltan® Plus in the factory involves the following steps: 

  • Ensure that the sheet piles are placed in a perfectly horizontal position; 
  • Clean the locks with compressed air, steel brush, or high-pressure water jet for better adhesion of the product; 
  • Make sure that the locks are dry and not greasy; 
  • Seal the head and foot of the bars with putty to prevent the hot and liquid product from flowing out; 
  • Heat the product to 160°C with caution using a boiler equipped with a mechanical mixing system, indirect heating system, and thermometer; 
  • Mix the product until it becomes a homogeneous mass; 
  • Apply the product into the locks using an appropriate spout, considering the direction of driving of the sheet piles and their positions relative to hydrostatic pressure; 
  • Keep the sheet piles in a horizontal position until the product cools down.

Application of Beltan® 

The application of Beltan® Plus on site is done following the same procedure as in the workshop: 

  • In dry weather, implementation in the open air is not a problem; 
  • In rainy weather, the application should be done under cover. 

Transportation of impervious sheet piles: 

• The sheet piles must be protected from excessive heating to prevent any leakage out of the locks

When driving impervious sheet piles with Beltan® Plus, follow these steps: 

  • Always place the lock with Beltan® Plus at the front; 
  • Provide appropriate guidance during driving to prevent tilting; 
  • Use guides to ensure correct implementation and respect a maximum tolerance of 1% on the verticality of the bars; 
  • If sheet piles do not reach the required level due to excess product or localized stiffening, use a hammering machine and slightly heat the area if needed; 
  • Avoid implementing these sealed sheet piles when the temperature is below -10°C. Contact our technical service for temperatures below 5°C.