ArcelorMittalDownload CenterBrochures – special applications

Brochures – special applications

Brochures on flood protection, ecological river embankments, underground car parks and other special applications.

Everything you need to know about these special applications.
Last modified: October 19, 2022

SmartSheetPile - smart steel solutions for innovative infrastructures

SmartSheetPile is an innovative solution designed to make infrastructure safer and more cost-effective. The sheet pile wall is monitored in real time by multiple sensors, [...]

SmartSheetPile - smart steel solutions for innovative infrastructures

SmartSheetPile is an innovative solution designed to make infrastructure safer and more cost-effective. The sheet pile wall is monitored in real time by multiple sensors, measuring a variety of parameters. High quality and precise data is continuously collected and transmitted to be analysed and used for informed decision-making. The SmartSheetPile solution helps reducing maintenance costs, optimising the use of structures and preventing catastrophic and accidental failures.

SmartSheetPile flyer | en – 2022  (3.86 Mb)
SmartSheetPile flyer | en-us – 2022  (0.59 Mb)
SmartSheetPile flyer | de – 2022  (2.59 Mb)
SmartSheetPile flyer | fr – 2022  (2.59 Mb)
SmartSheetPile flyer | es – 2022  (0.55 Mb)

EcoSheetPile™ Plus - sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental impact

The new EcoSheetPile™ Plus brand, essential part of ArcelorMittal's XCarb™ recycled and renewably produced initiative, is based on the Electric Arc Furnace route using 100% [...]

EcoSheetPile™ Plus - sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental impact

The new EcoSheetPile™ Plus brand, essential part of ArcelorMittal's XCarb™ recycled and renewably produced initiative, is based on the Electric Arc Furnace route using 100% recycled material and is additionally using 100% renewable electricity.

EcoSheetPile™ Plus flyer | en – 2024  (1.88 Mb)
EcoSheetPile™ Plus flyer | en-us – 2024  (1.67 Mb)
EcoSheetPile™ Plus Broschure | de – 2024  (1.93 Mb)
EcoSheetPile™ Plus brochure | fr – 2024  (1.93 Mb)
EcoSheetPile™ Plus flyer | IT – 2024  (1.93 Mb)

Underground car parks | Guide books

Guide books for underground car parks, based on different market studies, focusing on design and installation of steel sheet pile walls (local conditions, costs, ...), [...]

Underground car parks | Guide books

Guide books for underground car parks, based on different market studies, focusing on design and installation of steel sheet pile walls (local conditions, costs, ...), and comparing them with alternative solutions. Additionally, a Life Cycle Assessment was performed for some of the studies (see the Sustainability page for more details).

UCP | Detailed design – Technical & cost analysis | NL – 2021 – en  (7.57 Mb)
Underground car parks | Guide book – NL – 2018  (8.95 Mb)
Underground car parks | Guide book – NL – 2018 | Flyer – en  (0.43 Mb)
Tiefgaragen – Lehren aus der holländischen Praxis | 2018 | Flyer  (5.09 Mb)
Parkings souterrains – Les leçons des Pays-Bas | 2018 | Dépliant  (5.09 Mb)
Aparcamientos subterráneos – Lecciones aprendidas de la práctica holandesa | 2018  (2.76 Mb)

Benefits of steel solutions in bridge design

Today’s modern bridge construction projects face totally new challenges. The public, the regulators and the authorities demand new structures that are cost effective during their [...]

Benefits of steel solutions in bridge design

Today’s modern bridge construction projects face totally new challenges. The public, the regulators and the authorities demand new structures that are cost effective during their planning, execution, lifetime and dismantling. This translates into a higher relevance of the life cycle costs, and the so-called external costs associated with the execution and maintenance of the structure.

Benefits of steel solutions in bridge design | EN (2019)  (0.40 Mb)
Vorteile von Stahllösungen im Brückenbau | DE (2019)  (0.40 Mb)
Les avantages de la conception de ponts avec des solutions acier | FR (2019)  (1.01 Mb)

Flood defence and riverbank protection

How to protect inhabited zones from recurring floods? In the past dykes were quite often simply built with soil and a clay core, but most [...]

Flood defence and riverbank protection

How to protect inhabited zones from recurring floods? In the past dykes were quite often simply built with soil and a clay core, but most of them have to be rebuilt or reinforced. Currently more and more of the new flood protection systems are being executed with steel sheet piles, a strong and durable material. Steel sheet piles can also preserve the riverbanks from erosion or enable enlarging of canals to cope with larger ships. This brochure highlights these solutions.

Flood defence and bank protection  (3.33 Mb)
Flood defence and bank protection  (2.32 Mb)
Stalen damwanden – efficiënte oplossingen voor de aanleg van nieuwe dijken, voor dijkverbetering en voor aanleg en onderhoud van kanalen  (0.76 Mb)
Protection anticrue | Digues de canaux  (2.74 Mb)
Stahlspundwände in Hochwasserschutz und Kanaldeichen  (3.52 Mb)

Ecological landscaping of riverbanks. Guidelines

Guidelines and tips to enhance ecological and aesthetical aspects of riverbanks. Some quite attractive solutions proposed by architects and professional landscapers.

Ecological landscaping of riverbanks. Guidelines

Guidelines and tips to enhance ecological and aesthetical aspects of riverbanks. Some quite attractive solutions proposed by architects and professional landscapers.

Umwelt­freundliche und landschafts­gerechte Gestaltung von Ufer­einfassungen  (2.72 Mb)
Aménagements écologiques et paysagers des berges  (3.68 Mb)