CU 18‑3

Dimensions Properties
b h P A Atot G Iy-y Iz-z Wel,y-y Wel,z-z rg AL
mm mm mm cm2 cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm m2/m
CU 18‑3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
b Width
h Height
P Perimeter
A Sectional area
Asub Total section
G Mass (without mass of the welds)
Iy-y Moment of inertia axis y-y
Iz-z Moment of inertia axis z-z
Wel,y-y Elastic section modulus axis y-y
Wel,z-z Elastic section modulus axis z-z
rg Minimum radius of gyration
AL Coating area, outside surface, excluding inside of interlocks