Installation Guideline AZ-800 & AZ-750

A guide to optimum execution results

After the successful market introduction of the AZ®-700 sheet pile range and 10 years of proven track record, ArcelorMittal has taken a further step in the development of wider Z-piles. As a result, the AZ®-800 range has been presented to the market in 2015. Intensive testing before market introduction showed that installation can be performed with standard pile driving equipment. However, the optimum choice of a sheet pile section requires a more rigorous analysis of the soil conditions. Nowadays, the existing ArcelorMittal sheet pile range allows designers and contractors to choose amongst a variety of profiles to best cater for the particular site conditions. Soil characteristics and driving methods are closely linked and have to be considered carefully. This document provides guidance to users towards selecting the profile for best execution results.

Related documents:

Installation Guideline AZ®-800 & AZ®-750_Drivability of double AZ® sheet piles
Installation Guideline AZ®-800 & AZ®-750. Installation with vibratory hammer
Installation Guideline AZ®-800 & AZ®-750. Double camp_MZK_1250_EKZ_530_AZ-12-770
Installation Guideline AZ®-800 & AZ®-750. Self-walking press and Leader guided pressing system
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Choice of section

Once the static calculation is done and section modulus, pile length as well as steel grade are defined, it has to be checked, whether length of pile and section modulus are adequate for installation in the given soil conditions

The following graph shall provide guidance for pile selection with respect to driving conditions.

Drivability of sheet piles in regard to length, soil conditions, section modulus and delivery form (pairs) for standard sheet pile walls is shown in the graph adapted from chapter eleven of the ArcelorMittal Piling Handbook, 9th edition, where further details and recommendations can be found.

As general rule of thumb it can be assumed that: “the recommended sheet pile length in [cm] corresponds to the section modulus in [cm3/m]”. However, soil conditions have to be checked carefully.

Installation methods
Vibrator and impact hammer

Installation of the AZ®-800 & AZ®-750 piles is possible with all standard installation methods:

  • vibrating
  • impact hammering
  • pressing

Installation with vibratory hammer 

The connection between pile and vibratory hammer is the clamping device. The clamping force shall be more than 1.2-times the centrifugal force (in kN) of the vibratory hammer. The surface of the clamps shall be large enough and not wornoff to prevent damage to the pile head. 

Installation is still often done with a singleclamp setup, gripping the pile over the middle interlock.

Installation with impact hammer

Today’s standard machines are either hydraulic or diesel hammers; steam hammers are no longer in use. Fast-acting air-driven hammers are available and can be used for all pile sizes.

It is essential to use a correctly sized driving cap. The cap shall cover all of the pile area, leaving free the outside interlocks. The driving of double piles is to be preferred. The driving cap must be sufficiently rigid to transfer safely the impact energy from the hammer into the pile. Driving caps can be custom-made by the contractor, requested from the hammer manufacturer or can be obtained from ArcelorMittal on request for the use with diesel or free-fall hammers. Care shall be taken not to overstress the pile or the cap during driving.

Installation by pressing 

Especially in inner-city areas, pressing has become a standard vibration-free installation technology. Two types of presses are available on the market: 

  • self-walking presses;
  • leader guided systems. 

The width limitation of the self-walking systems today is at 1.40 m, length limitation of the section depends on the soil conditions, but is normally between 15-19 m. Pre-drilling and water-jetting are possible to improve the working progress.